Mastering Unconscious Bias in Hiring: Leveraging Recruitment and Applicant Tracking Software
  • By: SHRMpro Bureau
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September 6, 2023


The hiring process is a critical aspect of any organization’s success, but it is not immune to unconscious biases that can unintentionally impact the decision-making process. Unconscious bias refers to the underlying attitudes, stereotypes, and assumptions that individuals hold unconsciously, which can influence their behavior and decision-making. To ensure fair and objective hiring practices, organizations can leverage recruitment software and applicant tracking software, which can help minimize the impact of unconscious bias. In this blog, we will explore the significance of mastering unconscious bias in hiring and highlight the role of recruitment and applicant tracking software in achieving this goal.

Understanding Unconscious Bias in Hiring

Unconscious bias can manifest in various forms during the hiring process, leading to discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, age, and socioeconomic background. These biases can hinder diversity and inclusion efforts within the workplace, negatively impacting the organization’s overall performance and innovation potential. It is crucial to address unconscious bias and create an inclusive hiring environment that promotes equal opportunities for all candidates.

Leveraging Recruitment Software

Recruitment software plays a vital role in streamlining and optimizing the hiring process. It enables organizations to attract, screen, and engage with potential candidates efficiently. When it comes to mitigating unconscious bias, recruitment software can provide several benefits:

1. Standardized Job Descriptions: Unconscious bias can infiltrate job descriptions, leading to the use of gendered or biased language. Recruitment software can help ensure that job descriptions are gender-neutral and free from any discriminatory undertones, attracting a diverse pool of candidates.

2. Blind Resume Screening: With the help of recruitment software, employers can anonymize resumes, removing any personal information that could lead to unconscious bias during the initial screening process. This allows hiring managers to focus solely on the qualifications and skills of the applicants, promoting unbiased decision-making.

3. Structured Interview Process: Recruitment software can assist in creating structured interview templates and evaluation criteria, ensuring consistency in the evaluation process. By using standardized questions, all candidates are assessed on the same criteria, reducing the influence of unconscious bias.

Applicant Tracking Software

Applicant tracking software (ATS) is designed to streamline the hiring process by automating various tasks, from resume screening to interview scheduling. ATS can be leveraged to combat unconscious bias in the following ways:

1. Objective Resume Screening: ATS uses algorithms to screen resumes based on predefined criteria, eliminating subjectivity from the initial screening process. It allows recruiters to focus on candidates’ qualifications, skills, and experience, rather than personal attributes that may lead to unconscious bias.

2. Diverse Sourcing: ATS can help organizations diversify their candidate pool by integrating with various sourcing platforms and job boards, expanding the reach to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds. This approach increases the chances of finding the best-fit candidate, minimizing unconscious bias.

3. Data-Driven Decision-making: ATS collects and analyzes data throughout the hiring process, providing insights into the effectiveness of various recruitment strategies. By utilizing analytics, organizations can identify any biases that may be present and make data-driven adjustments to ensure fair and inclusive hiring practices.

Latest Stats and Insights

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance of mastering unconscious bias in hiring, here are some latest statistics:

1. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, candidates with African-American or Asian names experience a 25% lower callback rate compared to candidates with white-sounding names.

2. A report by McKinsey found that companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.

3. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that 67% of job seekers consider diversity an important factor when evaluating potential employers.


Mastering unconscious bias in hiring is crucial for organizations to foster diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities. Recruitment and applicant tracking software provide practical solutions to minimize unconscious bias throughout the hiring process. By leveraging these technologies, organizations can create a fair and inclusive recruitment environment, attracting a diverse pool of candidates and unleashing the full potential of their workforce. With the right tools and strategies, organizations can build a culture that values diversity and ensures that every candidate is evaluated solely on their qualifications and skills.