Your Employees Hate About Your HRMS and Their Alternatives
  • By: SHRMpro Bureau
  • /
January 23, 2024


In today’s fast-paced business world, effective HR management is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. However, many organizations still struggle with outdated HR management systems (HRMS) that fail to meet the needs and expectations of their employees. In this blog, we will explore the 12 common pain points employees face with HRMS and provide alternative solutions that can enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. We will also incorporate relevant statistics to give you a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in HR software.

  1. Limited Accessibility: Employees often face difficulties accessing HRMS platforms, especially when they are outside the office or working remotely. According to a recent survey, 62% of employees feel frustrated with limited access to HRMS. To address this issue, consider implementing a cloud-based HR software solution that provides seamless access from any device, anywhere, anytime.
  2. Complex User Interface: A cluttered and complex user interface can hinder employees’ ability to navigate the HRMS efficiently. Statistics show that 45% of employees struggle with user interface complexity. To simplify the user experience, choose an HR software with an intuitive interface, customized dashboards, and easy-to-use features.
  3. Lack of Self-Service Options: Employees often prefer self-service options for tasks such as leave requests, expense claims, and updating personal information. Research indicates that 68% of employees desire self-service functionality. Empower your employees by adopting HR software that offers self-service features, enabling them to manage their HR-related tasks independently.
  4. Inefficient Employee Onboarding: Traditional HRMS often lack robust onboarding features, resulting in a poor employee experience during the initial stages of employment. An alarming 36% of employees reported dissatisfaction with their onboarding process. Streamline your onboarding process by integrating HR software that automates tasks, provides digital document management, and facilitates seamless communication between HR and new hires.
  5. Inadequate Performance Management Tools: Outdated HRMS may lack comprehensive performance management tools, making it challenging to set goals, track progress, and provide timely feedback. A staggering 42% of employees believe their performance management system is ineffective. Consider adopting HR software that offers goal setting, performance tracking, and real-time feedback features to enhance employee performance and engagement.
  6. Limited Training and Development Opportunities: Employees value continuous learning and development opportunities, but traditional HRMS often fail to provide adequate resources and tools for training. Studies show that 49% of employees believe their HRMS lacks sufficient training and development features. Invest in HR software that offers e-learning modules, personalized development plans, and performance tracking to foster a culture of growth and development.
  7. Inefficient Time and Attendance Tracking: Manual time and attendance tracking can be a tedious and error-prone process, leading to payroll discrepancies and frustration among employees. A striking 53% of employees expressed dissatisfaction with their HRMS’s time and attendance tracking capabilities. Implement an integrated HR software that automates time tracking, offers biometric attendance systems, and generates accurate attendance reports.
  8. Ineffective Communication Channels: Effective communication is vital for employee engagement and collaboration, but outdated HRMS often lack robust communication features. Research shows that 39% of employees struggle with communication gaps in their HRMS. Choose an HR software that offers instant messaging, discussion forums, and collaborative tools to foster effective communication within your organization.
  9. Lack of Employee Recognition: Employees thrive on recognition and appreciation, yet many HRMS do not provide adequate tools to acknowledge employee achievements. Shockingly, 57% of employees feel undervalued due to the lack of recognition in their HRMS. Opt for HR software that includes employee recognition features such as peer-to-peer recognition, rewards and incentives, and public appreciation platforms.
  10. Incompatibility with Other Systems: HRMS platforms that are incompatible with other essential systems used within the organization can cause integration challenges and data inconsistencies. Look for HRMS platforms that offer seamless integrations with other systems, such as payroll or time-tracking software, to ensure smooth data flow and minimize manual work.
  11. Slow Response Times: Slow response times within HRMS platforms can be a major annoyance for employees. Waiting for pages to load or for actions to be processed can waste valuable time and lead to frustration. Opt for HRMS platforms with fast response times to ensure a seamless user experience.
  12. Complex Navigation: Complex navigation is another deterrent for employees when using HRMS platforms. If employees struggle to find the information they need, it can lead to frustration and decreased productivity. Simplify navigation by organizing information in a logical and intuitive manner.



In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the 12 common pain points that employees encounter with HRMS platforms and provided alternative solutions to address these issues effectively. From outdated user interfaces to inadequate performance management features, we have covered a range of challenges that organizations may face with their HR Management Software. By investing in modern and user-friendly interfaces, mobile accessibility, and comprehensive features such as self-service options, leave management modules, and employee recognition functionalities, organizations can enhance employee experience and streamline HR processes. Additionally, the importance of training and support, seamless integrations with other systems, customization options, and data security cannot be underestimated. By prioritizing these factors in the selection and implementation of HRMS platforms, organizations can create a positive and efficient HR environment that meets the needs of both employees and HR personnel.

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