Employee Resumes: Can you Really Rely on them
  • By: SHRMpro Bureau
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May 17, 2022

Identifying outstanding CVs is a skill within itself. On the one hand, aspiring employees will be bent on to attract the attention of a recruiter by showcasing their professional competence. On the other hand, how can you be certain that any distinctive claims on a CV are indeed what they appear to be? What if…. they’re just a bunch of wannabes? You can find answers to all your Human Resource Management System needs here.


Although no one knows the actual percentage of job seekers who make false pretenses on their own employment records, estimations range from 40% to 70%.


According to CV-Library research, an unprecedented 92.5 percent of people have gotten away with lying on their CV. Worse, nearly three-quarters (71.6 percent) of those who lied stated they secured the job as a consequence!

This aptly begs the question: Can HR teams truly rely on the CVs that emerge on their recruiting portals? To find out, try out our Resume Parsing feature and never be misled again!

Distinguishing the ‘Fantastic’ from the ‘Fraudulent’

Recognizing misleading information in employee CVs is a must for HR. Hiring the incorrect individual based on an erroneous or fraudulent CV can be extremely costly for organisations, especially since a study found that the average cost of recruiting per applicant is approximately £1,800.

Aside from the expense of replacing an employee, which is believed to be one-fifth of their compensation, the repercussions of a bad hire might include a disturbed business culture, lower job output, and the loss of clients and income.

So, how can you ensure that you can spot the difference between a gem and a lousy CV and recruit the appropriate professionals for your positions? Here are some measures you can take as an HR professional. Meanwhile, you can take a tour of our HR Management software.

Examine CVs thoroughly


Examine CVs thoroughly


Some HR software solutions include Applicant Tracking Software (or ATS) to assist you automate your recruiting process and evaluate prospects more efficiently. Despite the fact that recruiting software makes monitoring big numbers of CVs easier, you’ll still need to choose the noteworthy CVs and investigate them with a fine-toothed comb.


Look for gaps in employment history or job titles that don’t appear to match someone’s degree of experience. Of course, they might be fully legitimate and readily addressed, but they could also indicate that the candidate is hiding something or is not being completely honest.

Check any specified dates and be prepared to urge candidates to elucidate anything on their CV that doesn’t line up.

Stick to your Gut Feeling

Sometimes your intuition tells you that something isn’t quite right. When questioned why they left a prior post, a candidate’s narrative doesn’t quite make up, their former accomplishments seem too wonderful to be true, or they become evasive.

Don’t dismiss your gut instincts, but be sure they’re not a projection of your own unconscious bias. Candidates may stutter over responses or look confused during an interview because they are apprehensive or are not accustomed to dealing with people in the manner that you anticipate. If you have any doubts about how legitimate or truthful a job applicant is, find a means to verify it – Check out our Human Resource Management System software


Allow the prospect to demonstrate their abilities


Allow the prospect to demonstrate their abilities


The interview is your chance to discover out if the candidate’s CV is impressive and if they can actually perform the things, they claim to be capable of. If a certain practical skill is required for a position, make sure to include a test or evaluation as part of the interview process.


Inquire about circumstances from previous positions in which they deployed a certain competence or used their knowledge well. Make certain that you delve deep and are not swayed by a charming personality and an appealing grin. There are folks out there who are terrific at getting past interviews but not so great at really doing the job.


Look for references

Finding references can be an uphill task. Employers are wary of providing unfavourable references in our complex society for fear of it coming back to hurt them. Some firms have even gone so far as to refuse to provide references at all, instead confirming only the dates of employment and job description. However, it is worthwhile to seek referees and follow up on them. At the very least, it will assist you in confirming that the applicant’s career history corresponds to their CV.


Obtaining proof of the university’s address is the most efficient approach to discover phoney degrees. For an Indian university, you can validate the details by visiting the University Grant Commission (UGC) website (https://www.ugc.ac.in/) and the National Academic Depository (NAD) website (https://nad.gov.in/).

While students can use the UGC website to double-check legitimate colleges, NAD provides digital verification and identification.


Manage the probationary period

Most organisations hire workers for a three to six-month probationary term — but many fail to pay more than a lip service to the probationary procedure. The early months are the time to ensure that the abilities you were ‘sold’ do exist at the appropriate degree and to detect any gaps in experience that needs to be filled. It is just as important to be fair to the candidate as it is to the company.


New hires require time to settle in and understand how things are done, and the company must ensure that it made the appropriate pick. Make sure that line managers constructively use the probation period to evaluate what’s working well and what areas may require addressing, so that applicants may become productive as soon as possible and the company has the opportunity to fire an employee if it’s been misled about an employee’s skills.


One thing you can do this week is go through your hiring screening process. Analyze how carefully you are screening CVs and conducting checks and references, and find blind spots where you might improve.

For all your HR needs, you can always rely on our HRMS solutions. Explore them today!