The Effect of AI Tools on HR
  • By: SHRMpro Bureau
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March 24, 2023

A new technology called ChatGPT and AI, namely Generative AI, have swept the Internet. People adore the instruments’ thorough reactions and dynamic character, which have made them the newest trend in technology.

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Although artificial intelligence (AI) technology is not new and has been around for long, it has advanced significantly in the last 12 months. Businesses are eager to deploy the newest technologies to manage administrative duties and person-to-person interactions, with human resources (HR) being the business department most positioned to profit from the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. We’ll talk about the ramifications of these AI technologies in the HR industry in this blog article, including how they might assist HR professionals outperform the competition and concentrate more on strategic prospects.

What Is ChatGPT And Generative AI?

Generative AI is an AI-powered platform that can produce fresh material, including graphic social media posts and in-depth long-form articles. The most recent advancement in the field of generative AI that has garnered a lot of interest is the ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer).

It is an artificial intelligence chatbot created by the research facility OpenAI that uses the most recent developments in AI to generate conversations that are similar to those of a human being on a variety of subjects.

Simply feed it a question, and it will respond with the most accurate response possible in language that is known to that person, depending on the facts that it has gleaned. Derek Thompson identified ChatGPT as a component of the generative Al-eruption, which would fundamentally alter how we think, work, and generate unique material, in his book “Breakthroughs of the Year” for 2022.

Implications of AI in HR

Generative AI does support human resource management and employee engagement throughout the employment lifetime. Let’s examine some potential uses for AI in the HR industry in more detail.


Renowned recruitment thought leader Glen Cathy investigated the potential uses of ChatGPT for attracting fresh talent. His research proved that ChatGPT produces outstanding results even at this early level and can produce email correspondences, job descriptions, and interview questions swiftly. Along the applicant journey, the chatbot can facilitate content generation and speed up talent acquisition.

Employee Engagement

We are all aware that motivated workers are far more productive, stay with a firm longer, and assist managers in finding the finest candidates. However, it might be difficult to keep them interested, particularly after a pandemic. The majority of workers begin their job from different locations on different days, making it difficult to come up with ideas and coordinate with them.

HR can quickly obtain original suggestions for employee engagement and detailed instructions for implementation thanks to tools like ChatGPT.

By using ChatGPT’s clear suggestions, HR professionals and team leaders can swiftly go from lacking a clear action plan to improving the employee experience. The advantage of the technology is that HR can refine the ideas to make them pertinent and meaningful by carrying on the discussion and providing more details.

Intra-company Communications

A significant percentage of each company’s HR department is devoted to internal communication, which is a crucial component of workforce management. If you offer generative AI tools a cue, they will automatically write the message or generate the appropriate images for you. It can be used to generate content ideas, conduct research, compose titles, and produce an original first draft. Let’s say you don’t like the writing; a basic prompt can help you make it better.


Although customised internal communications have a far greater impact, HR frequently creates one-size-fits-all communications since customisation is frequently laborious. Here, AI-based technologies can save the day.


By segmenting the workforce, we can better grasp each internal target audience and create communications that resonate with them. Clustering is a wonderful approach to increase awareness, impact, and communication, according to a MetLife study. The messages can be quickly and easily rewritten for various employment levels or voice tones using tools like ChatGPT, which tenfold increases the efficacy of communication.

Business Brand

One of the most effective technologies for assisting businesses in conveying their brand narrative cogently is AI. HRMS software made a great point by emphasising how important AI is to enhancing and fortifying an employer brand. AI technologies can “take over” chores like writing social content material and creating pictures to go with employer branding postings since they can provide unique yet customised information.

HR Solutions

AI solutions can manage both routine aspects of HR in addition to the more creative aspects. To address employee inquiries, AI may absorb frequently asked questions regarding procedures and rules via a chat window for employees. Such technologies can also replace a lot of the manual labour involved in people analytics, freeing HR to concentrate on the tasks that actually require human intervention.

Final Thoughts

While generative AI technologies have drawbacks and are doubtful to replace human employment, they have the ability to reshape the business landscape. The development of AI provides HR with a chance to operate in novel ways by automating tedious jobs so that we can concentrate on our “human abilities.” So let’s not be terrified of AI; test it out and make use of it.